Safety hazards can cause immediate accidents and injuries.

For example, unsafe ladders,hot grease, slippery floors, falling objects, sharp knives, unsafe electric circuits.

Chemical hazards are gases,vapors,liquids and dust that can harm your body.

For example, chemicals, cleaning products, gasoline, pesticide.

Biological hazards are living things that can cause diseases such as viruses,bacteria or insects. For example, mold, poison ivy, insects, viruses, animals.

Other health hazards, it doesn’t really cost, injury, or help them right away or they cause emotional pain or distress. For example, have you lifted, noise, awkward posture, fatigue, stress, cold, distraction. 

Every job has health or safety hazards. Once you know what the hazards are, you can learn how to protect yourself. Following your employer safety policies can help you avoid hazards in the workplace and can keep you safe.