Your hands do anything your brain tells them to do.So engage your brain first, slow down and check for hazards of each task.

No matter how long you have been doing your job, or how long you have done the same tasks at work, stay focused and follow four basic principles of hand safety.

Number one is pinch points. Pinch points are everywhere, machinery, tools, materials.Anything with hinges, doors, toolboxes and step ladders have pinch points. Pay attention and be aware of each pinch point.

Two is proper gloves. Your hands can get cuts, burns, bruises and other injuries. Handling sharp edged, material can cause cuts. Working with some material can cause scrapes and torn skin. Hot surfaces can cause burns splinters come form metal and wood. Get the right gloves for the job and inspect your gloves before each use. Gloves that are falling apart or that have tears or rips don’t give good protection.

Three is machine guarding. Machine guards prevent accidental exposure to moving parts. Don’t take them off or bypass them. Machine guards on portable tools like lawn mowers and handheld saws prevent chopping off your fingers. Floor mounted machines have safety guards in place for the same reason. Shut down the machine and make sure it is properly locked out before performing any maintenance. Don’t wear metal jewelry like rings, wedding bands or necklaces when working with machinery.

Four, normal daily use. Watch out for common hazards during normal everyday use. For example, don’t pick up broken glass or sharp objects with your bare hands. Protect your hands when working with chemicals. Don’t use your hands to sweep up wood chips, glass, metal pieces, Shavings or other related materials. Remember, use your brain before using your hands.