This is short Presentation will provide you ,as a young worker,

An overview of your work health and safety duties in the workplace.

Work health and safety laws protect workers and others from health and safety risks at the workplace.Everyone has duties under the work health and safety laws inclusing employers, workers, visitors and others.Whether you are a young worker, starting a new job,taking on a new role, changing employers or re-entering the workforce,it is important to actively participate in the way that work health and safety is managed in your workplace.Think about why your health and safety is important,no just for your job, but for enjoying your life outside of work as well.whilst at work, you have a responsibility to take care of your own health and safety, and the health and safety of others,follow all directions given to you by your employer, on issues relating to health or safety,use any safety equipment provided to you by your employer and report any workplace incident to the employer as soon as it occurs. Your employer is now called a person conduting a business or undertaking,or PCBU for short.

The PCBU is responsible for ensuring the health by providing a safe and healthy workplace,providing information,traning,instruction and supervision,and by developing a positive workplace safety culture. As a worker, you may refuse to carry out work, if you believe that the work will expose you to a serious health and safety risk.if this occurs,you must report the risk to your employer who may find you alternative tasks to do at the must not intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse safety equipment porvided by your employer and you must not purposely create a risk to the health or safety of another worker or others at your workplace. Workplace incidents and injuries can be avoided,if appropriate care is taken by both workers and employers. 

Some tips to help you stay safe at work are pay attention to any training you receive, including your workplace induction training. Know the health and safety policies and procedures in your workplace. including emergency procedures, and ensure you follow them. Ask for tranining when you do a newe task for use new tools or machinery.Ask to be supervised to make sure you are doing a job correctly, and talk to a supervisor if you think a task is too dangerous or difficult.Ensure you always wear any personal protective equipment provided by your any safety concerns,all hazards, near misses and injuries to your employer, no matter how minor. And keep an eye out and help your workmates if you notice them struggling. Never hesitate to ask for help. If you need assistance or refresher training for something you haven't done in a while, make sure you ask.