Ten first-aid mistakes explained by a professional

Ten first-aid mistakes explained by a...

Ten first aid mistakes explained by a professional someone's in danger,of course people rushed to help but even if these good Samaritans mean well and are being very brave and selfle...

Hazard Blind Spots

Hazard Blind Spots

No matter what we are doing, at work, behind the wheel, at home, to avoid accidents, we must be alert and aware of any hazards.

Staff safety awareness Training----the key to safety is personal responsibility

Staff safety awareness Training----th...

The key to safety is personal responsibility hazards and various degrees of risk from hazards are everywhere and they cannot be completely eliminated.on the other hand hazards can be...

Welding, Cutting & Grinding

Welding, Cutting & Grinding

This article will instruct on how to identify the common hazards associated with welding, cutting and grinding. And outline the steps, you can take to avoid dangerous situations before they occur.